Minutes of Castor Parish Council Meeting
Held on Thursday 3rd February, 2022 at 7.30pm in the Cedar Centre
- PRESENT: Neil Boyce (Chairman), Fiona Rowlands (Vice Chairman), Cllr. Richard Anker Cllr. William Baxter, Cllr. Steve Davies, Cllr. Jane Greene, Cllr. Dennis Surgeon & Cllr. David Shaw; one member of the public was also in attendance.
APOLOGIES – None, all councillors present.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Jane Greene as an allotment holder in connection with the agenda item regarding allotment rents
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 6th January, 2022 -. These were duly signed by the chairman.
Proposed Cllr. David Shaw and seconded Cllr. Jane Greene
Matters arising from the previous minutes. – None
Public Forum – Mr Mercy referred to the Woodlands Development and drew attention to the differences in information provided in respect of future development of the site in particular related to parking provision and tree removal.
- PLANNING and associated matters
Joint Community Action Plan (JCAP) – No changes were proposed at this meeting. We noted that John Hodder had emailed councillors with a number of matters which may need review and for our part we considered some of those matters were on the agenda for this meeting and any progress would be reflected in our minutes.
Neighbourhood Planning (NP) – Shaw noted that there was nothing further to report since our last meeting and that it was still the intention to commence the review of our NP in the new electoral year.
Status report – the Clerk reported no change on the position reported at the last meeting.
Planning applications – There were no new planning applications for us to consider at this meeting.
- Woodlands – Cllr. David Shaw reported that the groundsman had now left. Cllr. Shaw had tentatively booked the village hall for a further public meeting to be held on 22nd February subject to the confirmation of this meeting. We unanimously agreed to confirm that booking and to advertise the event to gauge the views and concerns of residents. The intention of that meeting being that the views of residents might be taken in to account, along with planning policies, when we are consulted on an actual planning application. We agreed to ask the clerk to provide Country Court Care and Nene Park Trust with a copy of the document prepared by Cllr. Shaw setting out the planning policies against which we would consider any submitted planning application. We also asked the Clerk to again ask for a document setting out the consolidated plans of Country Court Care, Nene Park Trust and the Tennis Club for the site.
- Local History and Metal Detecting. We were made aware of an application for permission to access our land by two persons and understood that they intended to be present at our meeting. In their absence we deferred further consideration to our next meeting to allow them to be present and to hear details of their proposals.
- Allotments.
- Current Rents – The Clerk reported that a number of allotment holders had yet to pay for the current year and the chairman, along with Cllr. Anker, agreed to visit the site armed with a copy of the register to determine which plots appeared to lack cultivation or attention and report to the Clerk for appropriate action.
- Review of Rents – We considered the level of charge to be made for the year commencing October 2022 and also noted the charges proposed by Peterborough City Council for their allotments. We noted that we had a small number of vacant allotments. We therefore RESOLVED to leave the charges at their current level.
Proposed Cllr. Dennis Surgeon Seconded Cllr. Richard Anker
- Public Rights of Way – existing & possible extension – The Chairman reported that John Clare Countryside project was seeking to establish more Public Rights of Way to open up the countryside and invited the councillors to put forward any suggested routes that might be in use but not yet formally recognised, or registered, as Public Rights of Way. In response Cllr. Richard Anker suggested that ————– might be considered as appropriate.
Observations from Councillors – The chairman referred to correspondence from Highways England which confirmed that the Old A47 was now the responsibility of Peterborough City Council.
- Community MATTERS –
- Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) – No change from the previous meeting.
- Langdyke Trust Nature Recovery Plan –
- Cllr. Fiona Rowlands reported that Mike Horne had sourced some Wild Cherry Trees for planting in due course. Sarah Lambert has provided some costings for the Paddock, Splash Lane which, if implemented in full, amounted to approximately £20k which might be considered for funding from S106 monies.
- Queens Platinum Jubilee –.
- Commemorative tree on the Village Green – Cllr. Jane Greene reported that she had been able to place an order for a native Oak with Bircham Trees, grown from acorn seed by them, and that this would be shipped when the disease movement prohibition is lifted in September. We asked the Clerk to again chase the city council for information on the whereabouts of utility services beneath the village green.
- Castor in Bloom – Cllr. Jane Greene reported that she had, with the approval of the Chairman, and in exercise of the authority delegated at the previous meeting, ordered 6 planters from Amberol. The planters would be located on either side of the entrance to the school field which is to be the centre of the Jubilee celebrations. The tender from Lentons Landscaping for planting and maintenance of those planters had also been accepted.
- National “Beacon Lighting” event – We unanimously agreed to take part and instructed the Clerk to place an order with the approved project supplier for an approved beacon at a cost of £490 plus VAT.
- Ferrybridge Access Road – Litter picking arrangements. The clerk reported the response of the City Council to the request for the area to be subject to litter picking and we noted that there were now what appeared to be Asbestos as well as tyres deposited in the area and we asked the Clerk to again contact the city council to make them aware of a potential safety issue.
- Standing Stones –
Visibility and security – The Clerk reported the response of the city council and we agreed to seek quotes from contractors for the clearance of shrubbery to make the site visible from the adjoining access road, with the intension of reducing alcohol and substance abuse and associated litter in the secluded area of the site.
- Information Boards – Cllr Baxter agreed to seek information on the progress of these boards and report back to the March Meeting.
- Governance Matters
S106 Monies – Further to the decision of the previous meeting we considered potential uses of the remaining S106 monies. In view of the urgency to allocate these monies we RESOLVED to delegate negotiations with the City Council to the Chairman and Clerk and suggested that the following items may be considered for funding.
- Play area footpath extension £14402 – if this could be considered retrospectively as the work had been carried whilst children were absent from the site.
- Coppice Fencing £11500
- Nature recovery project – the Paddock Splash Lane c£20000
- Repairs to Ancient Walls on Peterborough Road and Allotment Lane – Quotes to be obtained and child safety considered.
- Clearance of Shrubbery by Standing stones – Quotes to be obtained.
Proposed Cllr. Richard Anker Seconded Cllr. William Baxter
- official announcements & CORRESPONDENCE.
- Jane Greene reported receipt of three complaints against illegal or inconsiderate parking at school times in the vicinity of the school. We asked the Clerk to write requesting assistance from the city council enforcement team and also write to Chairman of Governors at the school requesting the governors write to parents regarding this issue.
- Future Agenda Items – David Shaw gave his apologies for the March Meeting and also asked that the matter of the limited life planning permission for the prefabricated buildings be on a future agenda.
Date of next meeting – Thursday 3rd March, 2022.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.07pm.
Clerk & RFO 4th February, 2022