- Note attendance and receive apologies for absence. – Cllr. Shaw sent apologies for absence
- declarations of interest on items on this agenda and approve dispensations to members.
- Minutes of the previous meeting – To Consider a resolution to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3rd February, 2022.
- Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings (if Any) (Information Only).
- PUBLIC FORUM – Opportunity for public questions or presentations to the council –
- Public participation is limited to items that appear on the agenda OR to request an item for a future agenda.
- unless directed by the chairman, public participation shall be limited to 15 minutes with each person speaking for no longer than 5 minutes.
Parish council meetings are not public meetings they are meetings held in public
- PLANNING and associated matters:
- Joint community Action Plan (standing item) – To consider and, if agreed, approve the revised draft dated 24th February 2022 (amendments highlighted)
To consider if any further action is required by, or related to the review of, the present NP.
- Status report – update on planning applications previously considered this financial year. (Note no change since last report)
- Planning Applications – to consider, as statutory consultees, planning applications received since the previous meeting.
- 22/00103/FUL – Land Rear of Ambleside Peterborough Road – Erection of detached dwelling including formation of access, integral garaging with annexe over, and landscaping
- 22/00196/CTR – 9 Church Hill – A line of purple prunus in v poor condition, including the one at the end which abuts the boundary wall. Only prunus to be removed. Yew to be retained.
- Woodlands Development – to consider the notes of the public meeting held on 22nd February in the village hall and any further contributions of residents
- Land and Allotments –
- Local History and Metal detecting – To consider the request of Jon Parsons and Steve Barnes to allow the use of metal detectors on Parish Council owned land.
- HIGHWAYS & Public Rights of Way –
- Observations from Councillors (if any).
Community Matters:
- Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) – To consider if any matters require a joint meeting.
- Langdyke Trust Wildlife Recovery Project – update on progress – Vice Chairman to report progress on the Nature(if any since the last meeting)
- Queens Platinum Jubilee – Cllr. Jane Greene to report
- Commemorative Tree – to consider any update
- Castor in Bloom – to note that planters have been purchased and delivered and planting contract awarded
- To note Beacon ordered in order to participate in the Beacon Project
- Celebration committee matters (if any other matters to report from the committee)
- Standing Stones
- visibility and security – noting the response from the city council, to consider taking steps to remove shrubbery to enable clear view of the site
- Water Leak – To consider any update from Anglian Water
- Information boards – to determine style of board and action to be taken. Note the draft content has been supplied by Prof. Upex at a cost of £75
- Governance Matters:
- S106 Monies – to note the action taken and to consider response from the city council
- Village Hall – request from Martin Chilcott on behalf of the Village Hall Trustees for Financial Assistance – Details to follow.
- Annual Parish Meeting – to consider the request of Ailsworth PC to possibly hold a joint Annual Parish Meeting (This is not the Annual Parish Council meeting)
- Metro Bank Deposit account – consider change from 35 day notice to 95 day notice
.To receive official announcements, correspondence of note, notices, or; reports from chairman, clerk, or councillors.
- Future agenda items – If any
- Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 7th April, 2022
This agenda and supporting papers are available at or by request to the clerk