Minutes of Castor Parish Council Meeting
Held on Thursday 9th June , 2022 at 7.30pm in the Cedar Centre
- PRESENT: Neil Boyce (Chairman), Cllr. Richard Anker, Cllr. Steve Davies, Cllr. Jane Greene, Cllr. David Shaw; Cllr. Terry Young. Four members of the public were also in attendance.
APOLOGIES – William Baxter, Cllr. Fiona Rowlands and Cllr. Dennis Surgeon had sent apologies as either absent from Peterborough or not well enough to attend parish council.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – None declared by those present
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – Terry Young referred to a possible omission in the minutes in that he recalled a discussion on the proposed tree planting at the village green and an agreement that we should ask the City Council Tree officer to meet with ourselves and Aragon on site. The Clerk undertook to make reference to that discussion in the minutes of this meeting. Cllr. Jane Greene added that the tree officer might be asked to confirm that the species of tree being planted was appropriate to the site of the village green. With the undertaking of the Clerk to note those points we unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 3rd March, 2022 -. These were duly signed by the chairman.
Proposed Cllr. Steve Davies and seconded Cllr. Terry Young
Matters arising from the previous minutes. –
Public Forum – Paul Ingle, referred to the Woodlands development on our agenda and reported that a transport assessment exercise had been undertaken in the past few months by agents of Country Court Care (CCC). The results had been made known to Nene Park Trust (NPT) who had appointed Babcock to do the exercise for the NPT proposals. As far as CCC were concerned the planning application should be submitted in July/ August. There was no proposal to increase parking spaces over the existing provision and no increase in the proposed number of apartments. There was no increase planned for the footprint of the building. All details had been made known to NPT and it was desirable for the NPT planning application to be made in the same timescale if that could be achieved.
- PLANNING and associated matters
- Joint Community Action Plan (JCAP) – It was noted that there had been a JPLG meeting with Ailsworth Parish Council prior our meeting. The notes of that meeting will be discussed at our next meeting along with any Changes to the JCAP.
- Neighbourhood Planning (NP) – Cllr David Shaw suggested that we must now take steps to review our NP and he understood that the city council would also be looking to commence a review of the Local Plan. He therefore suggested.
- That we use the fete to seek views of residents so that their thoughts and concerns might be taken into account in the NP Review.
- Cllr David Shaw PROPOSED that we formally agree to take steps to form a working group to undertake the review and that the two parish councils of Ailsworth and Castor each nominate a representative on that working group. This was SECONDED by Cllr Richard Anker and unanimously agreed.
- Cllr Shaw further suggested that we seek the approval of the City Planning Authority to agree an early amendment to the existing NP in relation to the “Woodlands” development. The existing NP drafted before the approval of the care home acknowledge that there could be “some” development on the site. He suggested that the wording should be revised to indicate that the CCC plans fulfilled the definition of some development and that further development, beyond those proposed by CCC, would not be supported. We RESOLVED to seek the agreement of the City Council to an early amendment to reflect this view that the CCC development fulfilled the level of development envisage when the NP was drafted.
Proposed Cllr. David Shaw Seconded Richard Anker
- Status report – the Clerk reported the one change to the position reported at the previous meeting. The report was split into two parts. One part listed all those applications awaiting decision. The other part listed all the applications considered in the previous administrative year. The latter section would not be reported in future reports. The content of the updated report was noted.
- Planning applications –
- 22/00524/WCPP – Woodlands – This application sought the removal or variation of conditions C11, C12, C17 and C23 of the conditional consent to planning application19/01507/FULL. We had before us the very detailed landscaping plan available on the City Council planning portal. We acknowledged that landscaping and replacement tree planting was a key concern of residents. We share those concerns. and instructed the Clerk to convey our observation to the Planning Authority. We have concerns over conditions C11 landscaping scheme and Condition C12 in particular note that the replacement of heavy trees has not happened. We also note the changed location of drains and gas cylinders. We therefore ask the planning authority to ensure that if the revised landscaping scheme is to be accepted then it should be conditional on being implemented IN FULL. Furthermore, condition C13 to remain in place. The revised landscaping to be conditional on being monitored and maintained fully over a five-year period and any fails to be replaced and similarly monitored and maintained. We have no observations to make on the variation to condition C17 or the removal of condition C21 but you will note the strength of feeling of the Parish Council and residents over landscaping associated with the whole “Woodlands” site.
- Woodlands – Standing Item – Nothing further to add following discussion outlined above.
- We noted the report of the Allotment Working Group, accepted the recommendations and authorised the group to contact the holders of vacant or uncultivated plots with a view to encouraging full occupancy. We also asked the clerk to submit invoices for the 2022/23 season in September 2022
- HIGHWAYS – The Chairman reported that Cllr. Baxter had again asked for 20mph roundels be painted on Peterborough Road in both directions, two each way and a 30mph near Ferry Hill House on the West bound side. Cllr. Anker requested rumble strips at the top of Loves Hill and the repainting of the speed bumps in Splash Lane.
- Community MATTERS –
- Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) – We noted that a meeting had been held on the previous evening and would consider the notes of that meeting at our July meeting. We also asked that litter pick be on the next agenda
- Langdyke Trust – Nature Recovery Plan (NRP) – Anker reported –
- that there would be an open day at the Copse on the 18th June.
- In respect of the wood development in Splash Lane, Mike Horne has pencilled in a meeting with Sarah Lambert towards the end of August / mid-September to discuss the project in detail and ensure that there will be enough time to organise the delivery of the trees etc for this winter planting. Cllr Fiona Rowlands has organised a quote for the removal of the over grown hedging/trees over the access bridge, and that should be with us next week. Once the area is cleared, they will organise quotes for the replacement gate/fence.
- Peterborough Parish Councils Conference – on an environmental theme. Cllr. Steve Davies reported on the various sessions at the conference and that overall, the conference had been a success with a lot of interesting content. We were informed that the slides used at the event should be made available on request for those interested.
- Removal of Fallen Tree at Ferryfields – We noted that the parish council had obtained a quote, lower than that provided by Aragon for the removal of the tree and that the city council had agreed to reimburse the parish council the cost of using the parish council contractor.
- Play Area Equipment – The chairman reported that he had again been in contact with the supplier, Kompan, and awaited a response from them to rectify the issue with the roundabout.
- Castor & Ailsworth Fete – We noted that this is to be held on 9th We agreed to have a presence at the fete and to use the opportunity to
- consult on a revision to the Neighbourhood Plan
- publicise the work on the Nature Recovery Project
- Advertise a Litter Pick
- Publicise Speedwatch
- Publicise any allotments still vacant at that time
- Queens Platinum Jubilee – Parish Councillors felt that the Celebrations went very well with lots of positive feedback. The event had been attended by the Mayor & Mayoress who had expressed similar comments. We asked the clerk to formally write to express the gratitude of the parish council for the efforts of the events committee in putting on the successful and ambitious programme.
- Standing Stones Water Leak – The chairman reported that Cllr. Baxter had informed us that Anglian Water had installed a new Hydrant which is able to take the camera to attempt to find the leak in the 5” asbestos pipe, but they have found that the pipe is deeper and goes towards the ditch rather than along the roadside verge. They have NOT set a program for the leak in Ferryfields next to the Ferry Bridge as yet.
- Governance Matters
- S106 Monies – The Clerk reported receipt of the S106 monies into the parish council Bank account.
- Village Hall Repairs – We considered the request for funding the cost of repairs to the windows and had received replies to the further information requested on the availability of quotes, contributions from Ailsworth Parish council or other sources and the funds held by the management committee. We RESOLVED that we would fund the full cost of these repairs on the basis of the quote received £14250+VAT. We also requested a meeting with representatives of the management committee and Ailsworth Parish council to agree a way forward to the future funding of the village hall.
Proposed Cllr. Neil Boyce Seconded Cllr. Jane Greene
- Metro Bank notice Deposit account – We RESOLVED to move a further £25k in to the 95day deposit account
Proposed Cllr. Richard Anker Seconded Cllr. David Shaw
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return – We noted that this had now been completed and signed off by the Chairman and agreed that this should now be submitted for limited assurance by the appointed external auditors PKF Littlejohn.
- official announcements & CORRESPONDENCE.
- Cllr Rowlands had formally advised us of the Copse open day (also reported above) and had requested a modest budget of £50 for the event, to which we readily agreed
- Future Agenda Items –
- Permits for the Household Recycling Service
- Date of next meeting – Thursday 7th July, 2022.
- There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm.
Clerk & RFO 20th June, 2022
Approved by Castor Parish Council | ||
Signature of Chairman
of approving meeting: |
7th July, 2022 |