Minutes of Castor Parish Council Meeting
Held on Thursday 2nd September, 2021 at 7.30pm in the Cedar Centre
- PRESENT:, Cllr. Neil Boyce (Chairman), Cllr. William Baxter, Cllr. Steve Davies, Cllr. David Shaw & Cllr. Dennis Surgeon; one member of the public was also in attendance.
- APOLOGIES – Cllrs Richard Anker and Jane Greene absent on Holiday and Fiona Rowlands called away for a family emergency, all sent apologies which were noted and accepted
- MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 1st July, 2021 -. These were duly signed by the chairman.
Proposed Cllr. Neil Boyce and seconded Cllr. David Shaw
- Matters arising from the previous minutes. –
- Public Forum – No matters were raised.
- PLANNING and associated matters
- Joint Community Action Plan (JCAP) – Current version as agreed at the previous meeting was noted and will be reviewed again at the JPLG meeting scheduled for 30th
- Neighbourhood Planning (NP) – We await detailed knowledge of the government’s intentions on amending planning legislation. When this is clear we will commence a review of our NP
- Status report – We noted the current position on current planning applications and noted in particular that the planning appeal had been dismissed in respect of Cobnut cottage 45 Peterborough Road. The appeal was dismissed for two stated reasons. The importance of the trees on the site and the restricted access to the site
- Planning applications
- 21/01157/CTR – Cedars 32 Peterborough Road – various tree works including felling. We have no objections but would encourage replanting wherever possible.
- 21/01047/CTR – 9 High Street – T1 Walnut Fell – We noted that this had already been decided.
- 2100882/WCPP – Woodlands – Removal of condition C21 to planning permission19/01507/FUL, on consideration of the details we concluded that we have no comment to make.
- 21/01264/CTR – Village Manor, 48 Peterborough Road – tree work – We have no objections to make and are supportive of good tree management
- 21/01301/CTR – 12 High Street – Magnolia crown reduction and Apple size reduction. We have no objections to make
- Woodlands – Cllr. Shaw noted that there was nothing new to report. We still await consultation on the combined plans of Country Court Care and Nene Park Trust. We noted that an open day was planned for 12th Cllr Boyce will circulate details in his possession.
- Thorolds Paddock – The clerk reported lack of progress in finalising the lease and Cllr. Baxter undertook to assist – (Post meeting Note) This has now been completed
- Allotment Lane Bollard. We noted that the bollard has been replaced and a key provide by Mr Martin Benn of the Highways authority. We approved the acquisition of 5 copies to be held by councillors for allowing admittance to the site, where required, and the keys to be not let out of the councillor’s possession.
- Land Management – We agreed that Plough Environmental, NJ Pacey and one other be invited to tender for the work and the chairman to provide the clerk with the amended schedule of work to be tendered. Tenders to be returned to the Clerk.
- Tree Safety report – We noted the amendment made to the report in respect of an Ash tree and that the revised works will be carried out by Willow Tree Services.
- Playground Pathway – We noted the original quotes for provision of a resin pathway for a part of the play area and also noted the discussion held with the Director of the contractor on site by the chairman. We RESOLVED in principle to fund £14412 from reserves to enable the pathway to be extended through the site.
Proposed Cllr. Baxter Seconded Cllr. Shaw
- Update on parish issues raised with PCC – We noted that the 20mph restriction was to be extended to the top of Loves Hill
- Speed Indication Device – We thanked Cllr Anker for the SID having been fitted and noted that the old device had been relocated to the top of the hill on the approach road to the A47 East slip road
- Parking issues – Deferred for Cllr. Richard Anker to report to the October meeting.
- d) Observations from Councillors – We observed that the drains still required clearance and works by AWA to cure a persistent problem
- Community MATTERS –
- Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG)- We noted and approved the draft agenda for the meeting to be held on the revised date of 30th September
- Langdyke Trust Nature Recovery Plan – Plans are progressing for a coppice Open Day on 18th September, including an observation hut overlooking the pond. We were told of plans to produce an A4 map of the area, and a children’s quiz. We RESOLVED that £250 of the budget for the project could be used for refreshments on the open day
Proposed Cllr. Neil Boyce, Seconded Cllr Surgeon.
- Village Tribune – Deferred in the absence of Cllr. Fiona Rowlands.
- Cricket Club Pavilion – Cllr. Steve Davies reported that we still awaited a detailed business plan and if this was not received by the end of September, we would look to commit the funds to an alternative project as the funds needed to be committed by the end of this financial year.
- C&A Community First Responder Team – Fund Raising Poster. – The clerk was requested to write to the group seeking further information about the group, who they are and how they function together with information about the fund-raising campaign
- Assets of Community Value – we considered the detail application forms for some of the sites previously agreed and RESOLVED to submit these in their present form to Peterborough City Council as our nominations for A of C.V.
- Governance Matters – None to report to this meeting
- official announcements
- We agreed to the request for NPT trail to be publicised in the parish whilst the chairman noted that yet again there had been a lack of consultation with the parish council by Nene Park Trust.
- The chairman reported that whilst attending an event in another parish he had met with a city councillor and a waste bin would be supplied by the side of the Standing Stones in Castor
- CAPALC training day was brought to our attention by the clerk with no interest shown by those present
- Future Agenda Items –
- Speedwatch – awaiting further updates
- Celebration Committee – awaiting updates
- Date of next meeting – Thursday 7th October, 2021
- There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.38pm.
Clerk & RFO 24th September, 2021