
JPLG summary 13th July 2023

Supporting Papers Uploaded on July 14, 2023

JPLG MEETING 13 July 2023 AT 7.45 PM
Anne Perkins
Joan Pickett
Richard Moon
Neil Boyce
David Shaw
Steve Davies
Dai Rowlands (Chair)
John Hodder
Sue Nash (for item 2)
1. Apologies for absence
Megan Ellershaw (APC), Martin Stalley (APC), Michael Samways (APC), Fi Rowlands (CPC), William Baxter (CPC) and Andrew Nash.
2. Climate Change
2.1 Sue Nash gave a resume of recent activity by the Climate Action Group (CAG) which included a stand at the village fete on 8 July focussed on saving water. They had liaised with PECT beforehand and also sought water saving ideas from the village garden society. The stand had attracted moderate interest from villagers and it seemed that several already made use of water butts.
2.2 Contact continued with PECT who were developing ideas for an energy and climate fund for future projects and developing a range of ideas. CAG would give consideration to adopting relevant ideas as they developed. They would also consider any ideas put forward by the PCs.
2.3 It was noted that both PCs had adopted Draft 4 of the Climate Change Policy at their March meetings with the amendment as discussed at the JPLG meeting on 16 March. However, the final version did not yet appear on the CPC website which still showed Draft 4.
Action: CPC to replace Draft 4 on its website with the amended policy as agreed at the March CPC meeting.
3. Declarations of interest
None declared.
4. Action Points from previous meeting held on 16 March 2023
All action points had been attended to or are otherwise covered in the relevant agenda items below.
5. Ongoing review of JCAP actions
JCAP 1.3/4.3, Woodlands – See item 6 below.
JCAP 1.5, Climate Action Group – see item 2 above.
JCAP 3.2, School – There remained concerns about parking issues associated with the school and the requested parking plan had not materialised. However, no change to the JCAP wording was felt necessary. Both PCs were concerned about the fencing erected around the field.
JCAP 3.3, Speedwatch – There was no change to report and Speedwatch activity remained on hold.
JCAP 3.4, Shop – No change; see item 7 below.
JCAP 3.5, Good Neighbours Scheme – The scheme had been granted additional funding and had taken on additional staff. The JCAP entry would be updated.
JCAP 4.4, Cycle West – Planning has now been granted by Huntingdonshire District Council for the part of the project to the West of the footbridge. Planning is therefore in place for the whole of the proposed route and the task of fund raising to finance the project is being pursued.
JCAP 4.3, Woodlands – See item 6 below.
JCAP 4.5, Litter Picks – In the event the proposed litter pick prior to the Coronation was not considered necessary. None were currently planned although it was noted that some villagers continued to do litter picks independently.
Action: John Hodder will update the JCAP and circulate a draft for PC approval.
6. Neighbourhood Plans
6.1 David Shaw gave an update on the latest developments re-Woodlands:
 The planning application to replace the existing Woodlands building had been withdrawn and it remained to be seen what might now be proposed. Permission to convert the existing building remained in place.
 NPT proposals for the sports area had been marginally altered but remained substantially the same. It had not yet been decided by PCC.
 CPC would continue to pursue their suggestion of a land swap.
6.2 David Shaw reported that contact was awaited from a new officer at PCC in order to take forward the draft amendments to the two NPs. As noted at the last JPLG meeting, PCC should also be reminded of the need to revise the references in each NP to the former NP Website as previously notified to them. Once discussion with PCC about the draft texts had been taken forward CPC would need to consult land owners at Woodlands regarding the proposed change to policy CRV1.
Action: David Shaw, CPC and APC.
6.3 It was understood that the review of the Peterborough Local Plan would soon commence and that an early step would be a questionnaire to gauge public views. It was felt that this should not be done during the school holidays as residents might be away and this would be raised with PCC as necessary. David agreed to put some thoughts together for consideration in due course and would be prudent to arrange a public meeting in due course.
Action: David Shaw, CPC and APC.
7. Village Shop
The timescale for rebuilding remained unclear and the PCs would continue to monitor progress. It was understood that the boundary issue which had emerged appeared to have been resolved although it the position had yet to be finalized. The PCs would continue to monitor the situation.
Action: PCs.
8. Nature Recovery
Each PC gave a brief update on their nature recovery activity, including plans for water harvesting by both PCs and recent tree planting and signage by CPC. APC were conducting a review of land usage.
9. Defibrillator
9.1 APC raised payment for VETS (Village Emergency Telephone System) for which they paid an annual charge for the battery. It was understood that the defibrillator in Castor was covered by the Chemists.
9.2 It was clear that the arrangements for the village defibrillators needed to be refreshed and that training for volunteers would be needed. APC had established that refresher training re-the defibrillator was available at a cost £175 for 50 people for a two hour session. It seemed feasible to hold a joint session for the two parishes and it was agreed that the PCs liaise to take this forward. As a first step both APC and CPC would consider the matter at their next formal PC meetings with a view to:
 approving funding;
 nominating a member to take things forward in liaison with the other PC and
 publishing a call for volunteers in the September edition of the Village News,
 before taking things forward further by arranging training.
Updated guidance on the arrangements would need to be widely published in the villages in due course
Action: Both PCs to consider, liaise and take forward jointly.
10. Future of the Ailsworth Methodist Chapel
Due to delay by PCC it was understood that the chapel had not been registered as an asset of community value in time. APC had established a working party and held meetings to invite ideas from the community; there was interest in retaining the building for community use. Contact with the owners/their legal advisers remained in limbo.
Action: APC.
11. Village Bus Service
Neil reported that the leader of the combined authority will look at the proposed route and that its viability would be considered. However, without appropriate funding it may not happen as the majority of users seemed likely to hold bus passes.
12. Any other business?
12.1 The recent incident of arson at the Castor play area was clearly of concern. CPC had been in contact with the relevant authorities and remedial work was in hand.
12.2 The football event that had taken place at the previous weekend seemed to have been well organized although signs relating to the parking arrangements had been left in situ. David Shaw would draw this to the attention of the NPT.
Action: David Shaw.
12.3 It was noted that a rock concert at Ferry Meadows would be nearer the villages this year and there was some concern about the potential for parking in Mill Lane.
12.4 The Terms of Reference for JPLG are due