(Click on underlined hyperlinks to view background papers)
- Note attendance and receive apologies for absence. –
- declarations of interest on items on this agenda and approve dispensations to members.
- Minutes of the previous meeting – To Consider a resolution to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th May, 2022.
- Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings (if Any) (Information Only).
- PUBLIC FORUM – Opportunity for public questions or presentations to the council –
- PLANNING and associated matters:
- Joint community Action Plan (standing item) – To consider any actions or update required
- Neighbourhood planning (standing item) – To consider if any further action is required by, or related to the review of, the present NP.
- Status report – update on planning applications previously considered 2021/22 financial year.
- Planning Applications – to consider, as statutory consultees, planning applications received since the previous meeting.
- 22/00524/WCPP – Woodlands Splash Lane Removal of condition C11 (landscaping scheme) and variation of conditions C12 (replacement tree planting), C17 (cycle store) and C23 (drawings) pursuant to planning permission 21/00882/WCPP Removal of condition C21 (staff apartments) pursuant to planning permission 19/01507/FU
- Woodlands Development –
- To consider any feedback on the Land swap proposal. (If Any)
- to consider latest developments on plans for the Woodlands site.
- Land and Allotments –
- Report of Allotment working group on occupancy and condition of allotment holdings
- HIGHWAYS & Public Rights of Way –
- Observations from Councillors (if any).
- Community Matters:
- Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) – To consider actions required
- Langdyke Trust Wildlife Recovery Project – update on progress – Vice Chairman to report progress on the Nature (if any since the last meeting).
- Peterborough Parish Councils Conference – to consider feedback from those attending the event on 8th June
- Removal of Fallen Tree – Ferryfields
- Play area equipment – feedback report by Kompan regarding the Roundabout
- Castor & Ailsworth Fete – To consider arrangements, specific material for publicity and consultation together with staffing of stand for the event
- Queens Platinum Jubilee – to consider any feedback report on the success of events
- Standing Stones
- Water Leak – To consider any update from Anglian Water
- Information boards –
- Governance Matters:
- S106 Monies – to note the receipt of the agreed funds from Peterborough City Council and progress on S106 Projects
- Village Hall – request for funding of window replacement
- Metro Bank Deposit account – To consider a further transfer of funds to keep within the scope of the FSCS
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return – to note the final submission by the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer
- To receive official announcements, correspondence of note, notices, or; reports from chairman, clerk, or councillors.
- Future agenda items –
- Date of Next Meeting – 7th July,2022