Minutes of Castor Parish Council Meeting
Held on Thursday 6th October, 2022 at 7.30pm in the Cedar Centre
- PRESENT: Neil Boyce (Chairman), Cllr. Steve Davies, Cllr. Jane Greene, Cllr. Fiona Rowlands, Cllr David Shaw, Cllr Dennis Surgeon, Cllr. Terry Young. Two members of the public were also in attendance.
APOLOGIES – apologies were received from Cllr. Richard Anker because of work commitments, and Cllr. William Baxter because of a prior engagement.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 1st September, 2022 -. These were duly signed by the chairman.
Proposed Cllr. Dennis Surgeon and seconded Cllr. Jane Greene
Matters arising from the previous minutes. –
- Public Forum – City Councillor Mohammad Farooq gave an update on the consultation about city council elections moving to all out elections every four years. 64% in favour and, of those in favour, 84% preferred 2023 to the option of 2024. A decision is expected on 8th He also reported concerns over Peterborough possibly being a Reference Zone, intended to make planning decisions easier; which in his opinion would be detrimental if solely related to Housing.
- PLANNING and associated matters
- Joint Community Action Plan (JCAP) – John Hodder pointed out that the JCAP was on the agenda for the forthcoming joint meeting with Ailsworth Parish Council, therefore nothing to discuss at this meeting
- Neighbourhood Planning (NP) – Cllr David Shaw reported that he had drafted out a short review of the NP which he would circulate to all parish councillors for discussion at our November meeting.
- Status report – the Clerk reported a case where planning conditions had been discharged. We also noted an application for a dropped kerb had been deemed lawful. Applications to discharge planning conditions and for determinations of Lawful development are not matters on which the parish council is consulted. We noted that revised plans had been submitted for 14 Peterborough Road extension but that these appeared to address the concerns of the Conservation Officer, but failed to address those of the Parish Council. We unanimously RESOLVED to ask that the matter be referred to the planning committee if Planning Officers were minded to approve the revised plans.
Proposed Cllr. David Shaw Seconded Cllr. Dennis Surgeon
- Planning applications –
- 22/01222/CLP 33 Silvester Road – Application for a Dropped Kerb deemed lawful. Noted for information. We also noted that this was to provide disability access for the tenant with a disabled child and that Cross Keys HA had agreed to pay for the work to be carried out.
- 22/01248/DISCHG – “Castor & Ailsworth Cricket Club – Discharge of condition C4 related to Archaeology requirement – Noted for information.
- Woodlands – Standing Item – Cllr. David Shaw reported that there had been no response to our offer to negotiate a land swap. He also reported that Country Court Care were looking into our offer to take on the Tennis Courts and Bowling Green. We await the formal submission of plans by Nene Park Trust and those of Country Court Care
- Allotments
The Clerk reported implementation of the change in numbering of allotment plots and the issue of new agreements and invoices for the 22/23 year commencing 1st October. We asked the clerk to circulate a report on the feedback from those actions.
- Tree Safety Report – We noted the report of East Midlands Tree surveys Ltd, carried out by John Wilcockson. The majority of the work required was not urgent, such as the need for removal of ivy growth.
We RESOLVED to ask the Clerk to seek competitive quotes to carry out all the recommendations of the report.
Proposed Cllr. Neil Boyce Seconded Cllr. Steve Davies
- Land Management Tender – We noted that there is to be a meeting with the successful tenderer in ten days’ time and that the outcome will be reported to our next meeting
- HIGHWAYS – As Cllr. Mohammad Farooq was present we asked for his support and assistance in getting the long awaited 20mph roundels painted, and the hatch markings at Ferry Bridge, along with his support in getting Anglian Water and the City Council to meet on site to agree responsibility for keeping the surface water drains on highways clear.
- Community MATTERS –
- Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) – We agreed the meeting date of 13th October and would consider the outcome at our November meeting along with assessing the effectiveness of regular scheduled joint meetings.
- Langdyke Trust – Nature Recovery Plan (NRP) –
- The Vice chairman reported on the possibility of obtaining semi mature trees from Sutton but was unsure of the financial arrangements and would report further at our November meeting.
- We RESOLVED to budget £76 for Wetland Plants and tarpaulin at the Coppice.
Proposed Cllr. Neil Boyce Seconded Cllr. Terry Young
- We noted that the planned commemorative oak could not be planted on the Village Green because of the presence of underground services and agreed that this should be planted in the Paddock Splash Lane and suitably marked in a prominent way. We RESOLVED to purchase the said Oak from Barcham Trees in line with the advice they had given earlier in the year.
Proposed Cllr. Jane Greene Seconded Cllr. Fiona Rowlands
- The chairman reported that he still awaited detailed plans for the Water Harvester and the need for a suitable location to be agreed so as not to become a focal point itself. We agreed to consider the matter at a future meeting when the plans were received and when we were further advanced in our plans for the site.
- We were advised that three of the Cherry Trees had died and the Chairman felt that the location at the top of a bank meant that watering had been ineffective and it was felt that these should not be replaced at that location.
- Village Tribune – We noted that Julian Burton and Kate Trundle were keen to promote a local magazine for the parishes of Castor, Ailsworth and Upton. We also noted the perceived lack of relevance and enthusiasm for the Village Tribune which serves the wider rural community to the North of Peterborough. Given the preference for a local magazine we agreed to invite Julian and Kate to our next meeting and in the meantime asked the Clerk to notify the editor of the Village Tribune of our preference and our intention not to participate in the proposed funding arrangements for that magazine.
- Good Neighbours scheme – The Chairman gave a report on the AGM of the Trustees of the scheme and noted the ongoing voluntary support being provided for 96 clients by 48 volunteers across participating parishes and the interest being shown by more parishes to become affiliated to the scheme.
- Commemorative Oak – The Clerk had met on site with representatives of the city council and the outcome was that the Village green is not a suitable location. Future arrangements had been covered in the discussions on the Nature recovery project reported above.
- Standing Stones
- Water Leak – In his absence Cllr Baxter had circulated an update to councillors by email and further progress will be reported to a future meeting of the parish council
- Information Boards – as above and further consideration deferred to a future meeting
- Governance Matters
- Code of Conduct – Two Councillors had attended the training provided by the City Council. The Clerk reported on the need to adopt an updated version of a Code of Conduct as the present 2018 version is out of date. The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) advice is to adopt a version of the code drafted by the Local Government Association (LGA) as applicable to All local authorities irrespective of size. NALC advice, in the legal note LTN80, is that they see the sense of a single version of the code being universally adopted.
We noted that the city council appeared to have taken that version of the code and amended it to tailor it to the city council circumstances and to include as an annexe a code on the acceptance of Gifts and Hospitality. We noted the LGA intention to update the code if the government chooses to implement any of the recommendations of the Committee on Standards in Public Life in their report on Local Government Ethical Standards. We RESOLVED to follow the NALC line and adopt the LGA 2020 version of the Code of Conduct.
Proposed Cllr. Dennis Surgeon Seconded Cllr. Steve Davies
Gifts and Hospitality – Noting the actions of the City Council in including a policy on these matters within their version of the code. We see the sense in abiding by the same standards in relation to the acceptance of |Gifts and Hospitality and RESOLVED to adopt those same standards as a separate policy applicable to Officers and Councillors of Castor Parish Council.
Proposed Cllr. Neil Boyce Seconded Cllr. Dennis Surgeon
We instructed the Clerk to notify the monitoring Officer at Peterborough City Council of our decisions
- CAPALC AGM – The chairman reported attending the AGM and the justification for increasing affiliation fees for the 2023/24 year. There were questions raised about the budget for the coming year and the unsatisfactory nature of the answers given to those questions. Capalc Officers had agreed to undertake a review of that budget and to provide an update in due course.
- Notice of Completion of Audit – The clerk reported the completed report of the external auditors and provision of a clean audit certificate to the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2021/22. We noted that the statutory notice had been published on the notice board and the website. We thanked the Clerk for his efforts in achieving that satisfactory outcome.
official announcements & CORRESPONDENCE.
- School Tree and Fencing – Cllr David Shaw reported on an email from Alan Turner, head of the primary School. For our part we recognised that we will have no say over the proposed fencing and are disappointed in the school stance on the tree obstructing the view of the church. Cllr Shaw agreed to convey our views by way of a reply to the email.
- Cricket Ground access – Cllr. Steve Davies reported on an email from David Arthur of the C&A cricket Club on a proposed passing place to be constructed in the cricket ground access route in Port Lane. Whilst we have no objections to raise on the proposal, we decline to offer any funding towards the project and it is a matter for the cricket club alone to resolve with Nene Park Trust.
- Local Magazine plans and initial funding – Considered above in connection with the Village Tribune.
- Castor Lodge Care Home – We noted the 1st year anniversary celebration planned for 14th October
- Future Agenda Items – no matters were requested in addition to the matters referred above
- Date of next meeting – 3rd November 2022
- There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.39pm.
Clerk & RFO 11th October, 2022
Approved by Castor Parish Council | ||
Signature of Chairman
of approving meeting: |
3rd November, 2022 |