
Minuters 4th April 2024

Minutes Uploaded on May 2, 2024

Minutes of Castor Parish Council Meeting

Held on Thursday 4th April 2024 at 7.00pm in the Cedar Centre

  • PRESENT: Neil Boyce (Chairman), Cllr. Richard Anker, (arrived part way through meeting) Cllr. William Baxter, Cllr. Steve Davies, Cllr. Gary Elliott, Cllr. Fiona Rowlands, Cllr. David Shaw, Cllr. Dennis Surgeon, Cllr. Terry Young two members of the public were also in attendance. 
  • APOLOGIES – None, all present 
  • MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on Thursday 7th March 2024 -. These were duly signed by the chairman.

Proposed Cllr. Fiona Rowlands and seconded Cllr. Steve Davies 

  • Matters arising from the previous minutes. – None
  • Public ForumNo Matters raised by those members of the public present. 
  • PLANNING and associated matters 
  1. Peterborough Local Plan (LP) – D Shaw reported no further information from the local planning authority. Cllr Shaw also reported on a meeting with Milton estates and plans for a “walk” to promote a landscape recovery project.
  1. Joint Community Action Plan (JCAP) – We noted the revised draft version of the plan arising out of the meeting with Ailsworth PC had been agreed by both parish councils and was no longer a “Draft”. 
  1. Castor Neighbourhood Planning (CNP) – The Clerk confirmed that there had been no further responses to our consultation letters, beyond the two reported at our last meeting confirming no objections.
  1. Status report – The clerk had circulated with the agenda an up to date record of Planning applications. We noted the content of the report and in particular that the proposals for the Olde Stables and also those at 6 Church Hill had both been permitted. 
  1. Planning applications  
  1. 24/00340/CTR – 37 Peterborough Road – We noted the tree works in this application and have no observations to make.
  1. 24/00414/CTR – 25 Church Hill – We noted the proposals included felling two trees and other extensive tree work and agreed to defer to the judgement of the City Council tree officer.
  • 24/00439/CTR – 39 Peterborough Road – No Objections to these proposed tree work to clear phone lines.
  1. Woodlands – Standing Item – Shaw reported on the revised submissions by NPT. The submissions did not address the fundamental point that the application is against planning policy to provide sporting provision where it is both needed and accessible. We agreed that these revised proposals warranted a robust reply and delegated the drafting of this to Cllrs Shaw, Boyce and Elliott along with the Clerk.
  1. Tweentowns – The chairman reported that it is the intention to have a finalised draft lease for consideration at the next meeting
  1. Homes England Land adjacent to the Castor allotment site – The Clerk reported the lack of any further response from Homes England. 
  • Other Parish Councillors Observations on Land & Allotment related matters
  1. Young reported that, in line with our earlier consideration of the request to move an allotment water supply tenants would be moving the supply at their own expense over the coming weekend. Cllr Young undertook to take a meter reading and forward that to the Clerk prior to the move taking place.  
  • HIGHWAYS & Public Rights of Way 

Councillors Observations –

  1. Peterborough Road Drainage – The Clerk reported that the Head of Highways had confirmed that he would seek a meeting on site with Councillors and a representative of Anglian Water
  1. Other Councillors observations – none at this time
  • Community Matters: 
  1. Anti-social Behaviour.
    • We noted the apologies of Clair George, for the inability to attend this meeting. The Chairman reported on a good-natured meeting with residents on the parking complaints and the conclusion to promote well mannered parking through the school and local residents. Consideration to be given to the idea of the “walking Bus” to promote parking elsewhere. Cllr Shaw undertook to consider Anglian Water Land.
  • The Police surgery is scheduled for 11th April and we agreed to promote the event on Facebook and notice boards.
  • Deployable CCTV – we agreed to defer further consideration to a future meeting and to seek advice from Clair George
  1. Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) – We noted the agreed final version of notes of the meeting held on 29th February previously approved by this parish council.
  1. Langdyke Trust Nature Recovery Project – Rowlands referred to the report circulated by Mike Horne on the completed work at the paddock on Splash lane. In passing councillors referred to bollards being replaced at the site of land slippage near to this site and asked the Clerk to write to James Collingridge thanking him for approving that action..
  1. Standing Stones
    • Information boards – Baxter reported work in progress finally nearing completion.
    • Broken Fencing – We asked the Clerk to arrange for A1 fencing to assess the damage at the site and advise the extent of work required and an estimated cost.
    • Soil Contamination by sewerage leak – We noted the advice from Mike Horne and RESOLVED to agree the payment of £500 to allow the urgent work to proceed

Proposed Cllr. Fiona Rowlands seconded Cllr. Wm. Baxter

In due course we would look to Anglian water to refund the parish council for this necessary work.

  1. Climate Change Group – We noted the report from the group circulated by Cllr. Young. Cllr Young also re-iterated his views on the credibility of the “Net Zero” policy of government and the City Council. We also noted the potential benefits arising from local climate change actions. We concluded our discussion by agreement to consider possible amendments to the parish council policy at a future meeting, and also to refer the matter to a future meeting of JPLG and inform Dai Rowlands and John Hodder accordingly.
  1. Cricket Club Scoreboard location – The chairman reported that he and Cllrs Shaw and Baxter had met with Cricket club representatives on site and had agreed a revised location of the scoreboard. 
  • Governance Matters
  1. Conversion of our emails to Flexmail we agreed with very minor exceptions that the conversion had been well handled and we all had access to previous emails after completion of the conversion.
  1. Annual Governance & Accountability return – we considered in detail the contents of section one, the Annual Governance Statement and instructed the Clerk to complete the form in line with our responses.
  1. Assets of Community Value – Cllr Shaw had circulated a draft form in respect of the Royal Oak Public House. Cllr Shaw undertook to amend the form to include reference to the venue being used for weddings. We instructed the Clerk to submit the completed form once amended by Cllr. Shaw.
  1. Rural Villages Support Group – We considered affiliation to this group, a subsidiary of the rural services network and declined the request noting our satisfaction with the present arrangements.
  1. Defibrillators – The Clerk confirmed that steps had been taken to continue the support arrangements with Halls Chemist and the Community Heartbeat trust as agreed at the recent meeting of JPLG. 
  • To receive official announcements,
    1. We noted the SLCC supported invite by the chair of the “Great Collaboration” to join in sharing best practice of climate change groups. We asked the Clerk to circulate the details to all councillors and the Clerk to Ailsworth PC and to place the matter on the agenda of our next meeting.
  • Future agenda items – None in addition to those recorded in these minutes
    • Assets of Community Value
    • ASB and deployable cameras- plus Clair George advice 
  • Date of Future Meetings
    1. Next meeting– scheduled to take place on 9th May 2024 Annual Parish meeting at 7.00pm followed by the Annual Parish Council meeting at 7.15pm

Clerk & RFO 11th April 

Meeting Closed at 9.09pm