(Click on underlined hyperlinks to view background papers)
- apologies for absence – To note attendance and receive apologies for absence.
- declarations of interest on items on this agenda and approve dispensations to members (If appropriate).
- Minutes of the previous meeting – To Consider a resolution to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7th September 2023.
- Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings (if Any) (Information Only).
- PUBLIC FORUM – Opportunity for public questions or presentations to the council.
- PLANNING and associated matters:
- Peterborough Local Plan Review Consultation – To note the parish council observation were submitted by email prior to the original consultation deadline and to consider any further feedback.
- Joint community Action Plan (standing item) – To note the contents of the revised JCAP and consider any actions immediately required (if any)
- Neighbourhood planning (standing item) – To consider if any further action is required by, or related to the review of, the present NP.
- Status report – to note there is no change to the report presented to Parish council in September.
- Planning Applications – to consider, as statutory consultees, planning applications received since the previous meeting.
- 23/01302/DISCHG – 14 Peterborough Road – Discharge of conditions C3 (external materials) of planning permission 22/01097/HHFUL ) – [note parish councils are not statutory consultees on Discharge applications].
- Woodlands Development – to consider latest known status of plans for the Woodlands site
- Land and Allotments –
- Cricket Club Lease – to receive an update report from the Chairman
- Allotment Tenancy Agreement – receive an update report from the Clerk
- Allotment Lane Post and Parking issues – to consider an update on the current position and to decide if any further actions are required.
- Tweentowns water supply – item requested by Cllr. Young.
- Parish Councillors Observations – To consider any other Land & Allotment related Observations from Parish councillors.
- HIGHWAYS & Public Rights of Way – Councillors Observations
- Community Matters:
- Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG)
- To note and approve the terms of reference for the JPLG meetings
- to note and consider the draft agenda for the next meeting with Ailsworth parish councillors
- Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG)
- Langdyke Trust Nature Recovery Project – to receive an update report on progress with the water Harvester and other matters at the Splash Lane Paddock
- Standing Stones
- To note and possibly approve the quote from NJ Pacey for work at the scheduled monument
- Information boards – update on progress (If any)
- Playground reinstatement –
- note that work is commencing on site to replace the damaged equipment
- To consider the quotations for additional work requested at the playground – Chairman to report
- to consider a response to the letter of apology (if required and to whom it should be sent)
- Parish Walk and Land management tender–
- to consider the comprehensive report circulated by Cllr. Baxter and implications for the land management contract
- to consider process for awarding the land management contract
Short term CCTV rental – receive a report from the chairman on the information provided on a webinar
- Village defibrillator – To consider the request of Halls Chemist
Remembrance 2023 – Anker to report
Governance Matters:
- Banking arrangements – standing review of “immediate access” balances and 95 day notice deposit account.
- Insurance renewal – To note the considerations of the detail as delegated to the Clerk and Councillor Dennis Surgeon. To note that the council’s insurance has been moved to Zurich Insurance Co. on the basis of a 3 year long term agreement, considered to be the best value for money from the quotations received following the tender process.
- To receive official announcements, correspondence of note, notices, or; reports from chairman, clerk, or councillors.
- Future agenda items
- Review of Cricket Club Lease
- Date of Next Meeting – scheduled to take place on 2nd November, 2023