
Minutes 7th November 2024

Minutes Uploaded on November 29, 2024

PRESENT: Cllr. Neil Boyce (Chairman), Cllr. Richard Anker, Cllr. William Baxter, Cllr. David Shaw, Cllr. Fiona Rowlands, Cllr. Terry Young and the Clerk John Haste. Three members of the public were also in attendance.

Minutes of Castor Parish Council Meeting
Held on Monday 7th November 2024 at 7.15pm in the Cedar Centre

996 APOLOGIES –Cllrs. Steve Davies, Gary Elliott and Denis Surgeon all sent apologies prior to the meeting because of other commitments.


998 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on Monday 14th October 2024 -. These were duly signed by the chairman.
Proposed Cllr. Fiona Rowlands and seconded Cllr. David Shaw.


1000 PUBLIC FORUM – None.


a) Peterborough Local Plan (LP)

i. Cllr Shaw confirmed that no real progress made since the previous report although a new document relating to a Landscape Character Assessment had been added to the LP review website portal
ii. Cllr. Boyce reported on the briefing meeting held in the Town Hall for the benefit of Parish councils. The draft LP Is anticipated to be published in February 2025 at which time it is the intention to hold another parish council briefing session.

b) Joint Community Action Plan (JCAP) – We noted the latest agreed version of the JCAP, as approved by both parish councils. The latest version is published on the parish council website.

c) Castor Neighbourhood Planning (CNP) – Cllr. Shaw reported that he has arranged to meet the responsible officer from |Peterborough city council on 18th November.

d) Status report – The clerk had circulated with the agenda an up-to-date record of Planning applications. The Clerk reported the 5 changes since the previous parish council meeting, one withdrawn the other 4 all permitted. The report was formally noted.

e) Planning applications –

i 24/01404/CTR Manor Farm House, Manor Farm Lane – the removal of6-7 small lateral branches on 2 Yew Trees – we have no objections.

f) Woodlands – Standing Item – Cllr Shaw reported that there were no further documents submitted for the sports facilities. It was understood that the care home application has been submitted, but yet to be validated. No further news on the Tennis Club Proposals.


i. Thorolds Paddock – We noted that again, no new prospective tenant had been forthcoming. We agreed to readvertise seeking sealed bids for the tenancy. WE agreed to monitor the Paddock as it may need to have the grass cut once more.

ii. Allotments – The Clerk reported that two plots remain unpaid and Chasers sent. The two new tenancy agreements also needed to be completed and rent paid.

iii. Ferryfields access road (R21) – The chairman reported discussions with James Collingridge and Adrian Chapman at the City council and awaiting a response from Highways England on the transfer to the city council. We observed that Fly tipping is a problem and will need to be addressed.

iv. Councillor observations on parish council owned land – None at this time although Cllr. Baxter is organizing the annual Land Walk for councillors.


Councillors Observations –

a. Allotment lane retractable post – the Chairman asked the Clerk to seek a date for installation from the city council officer responsible for highways.

b. Allotment lane – Orphaned Wall – The Chairman reported that whilst the city council officers recognised the need for repair to the wall it was unlikely to be addressed in the short term as there is a moratorium on works of this nature due to budgetary constraints.

c. Cow Lane fallen Tree and rotted Bye way Sign – We asked the Clerk to chase up these works with the city council officer responsible for Public Rights of Way.

d. Councillor Observations –
i. The chairman reported on the village walkabout with the Head of Highways and Councillors from Ailsworth Parish Council. White lining requirements were agreed, but in view of the moratorium only those in urgent need on safety grounds were likely to proceed in the short term.
ii. Cllr Young reported receipt of an email from Keeley Russell regarding the extended delays, by up to two years, of the A47 upgrade.


a) Antisocial Behaviour
i. Graffiti – Cllr. Baxter reported on the recurrence of some issues and his attempts to remove the graffiti. All issues had been reported to the police. BT had responded quickly to the open cabinet and exposed cables.

b) Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) – We noted the agreed summary of the meeting held on 19th September 2024, and noted that the next meeting has been booked for 16th January 2025.

c) Langdyke Trust Nature Recovery Project –
i. Cllr Fiona Rowlands reported that together with the chairman they are to meet with Mike Horne to agree on future work.

ii. Cllr. Boyce (as Ward councillor) reported that the £1000 from the Community Leadership Fund towards the cost of creating a pond had been approved ahead of the moratorium and should therefore be paid to the parish council.

d) Memorial Tree request – although sympathetic to the family request we concluded that there was no suitable parish council owned land. Cllr Rowlands undertook to speak to the family. WE agreed to consider some form of alternative communal facility, possibly a bench, at a future meeting.


a) Assets of Community Value (AoCV) –The clerk reported on the lack of movement in respect of the Royal Oak and agreed to chase progress.

b) Budget Preparation – The Clerk asked for guidance on preparing a draft budget for consideration at the December meeting. We noted that we had reduced the precept charge at Band D 5 years ago and pegged the precept for the last four years. We acknowledged that our costs have risen over the last 5 years and expressed the view that a modest increase from £81 to £85 on a Band D council Tax property would be acceptable.


i. Christmas Tree – Cllr. Baxter sought authority to purchase the village Christmas Tree and that the cost had risen to £275. We authorised Cllr Baxter to proceed and asked the Clerk to write to the Clerk of Ailsworth pc requesting a contribution for the tree to be erected in the grounds of the Castor & Ailsworth Village Hall.

ii. Bus Shelters – The chairman asked for volunteers (on a date to be agreed) to form a working party to repaint or stain the two bus shelters.

i Assets of Community Value – other site(s)

1008 Date of Next meeting– scheduled for 5th December 2024 at 7.15pm in the Cedar Centre.

Meeting Closed at 9.08pm

Clerk & RFO 12th November, 2024