
Minutes 7th April 2022

Minutes Uploaded on April 29, 2022

Minutes of Castor Parish Council Meeting

Held on Thursday 7th April , 2022 at 7.30pm in the Cedar Centre

  • PRESENT: Neil Boyce (Chairman), Fiona Rowlands (Vice Chairman), Cllr. William Baxter, Cllr. Steve Davies, Cllr David Shaw; Two members of the public were also in attendance.

 APOLOGIES – Jane Greene and Richard Anker had sent apologies as absent from Peterborough and Cllr Dennis Surgeon sent apologies as he was recovering from injury.

 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – William Baxter declared an interest in the planning application relating to his own property.

 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 3rd March, 2022 -. These were duly signed by the chairman.

Proposed Cllr. William Baxter and seconded Cllr. Fiona Rowlands

 Matters arising from the previous minutes. –

 Public Forum – There were no matters raised under this item.

 PLANNING and associated matters

 Joint Community Action Plan (JCAP) – The revised version of the JCAP was noted. In addition, the Chairman stated the intention for a litter pick and suggested the date of 28th May as this would be just before the Jubilee celebrations to be held at the beginning of June. Cllr David Shaw also reported that an appeal had been lodged in respect of the Cycle West project.

 Neighbourhood Planning (NP) – Cllr David Shaw reported that revisions to Planning legislation appeared to have fallen down the government agenda and this is unhelpful in terms of reviewing the existing NP. He will consider the content of the current NP and advise on any areas which may require amendment of wording or any update required.

 Status report – the Clerk reported the changes to the position reported at the previous meeting. The content of the updated report was noted.

  1. Planning applications

 22/00336/HHFUL – 16 Stocks Hill – Proposed new dining area and Day room – Cllr Baxter took no part in the discussion or decision. We had access to all details and documentation available on the planning portal and concluded we had no objections or comments to make to the planning authority.

  1. 22/00290/LBC – Castor Village Hall, Peterborough Road – Replacement of rear windows. – We had access to all details and documentation available on the planning portal and concluded we had no objections or comments to make to the planning authority.

 Woodlands – Cllr David Shaw reported that he had met with Ward Councillors on site and that all had agreed that there was a need for planning applications to be considered in the context of plans for the whole site and not piecemeal. In addition, and particularly relevant to the sports facilities planned, there will be a need for a proper traffic assessment and sufficient soft landscaping and tree planting to screen the site in respect of Lighting and Noise pollution. The traffic assessment needs had again been emphasised at a meeting with Andrew McDermott of Nene Park Trust (NPT). We agreed to ask David to draft a letter to the Chief Executive of NPT and to send a copy to the Chief executive of Peterborough City Council.


Cllr. William Baxter suggested it was time for the annual land walk and invited councillors to let him know which Saturday mornings in Late April / Early May would be convenient to them.

 HIGHWAYS – No matters raised at this meeting.

  • Community MATTERS –
  1. Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) – We noted that there would be a meeting with Ailsworth parish council and that this would be a remote meeting on Zoom
  2. Langdyke Trust – Nature Recovery Plan (NRP) – We noted that there would be further work around the Coppice later in April including fencing works to make the area secure.
  3. Queens Platinum Jubilee –.
  4. Commemorative tree on the Village Green – Nothing to add at this time
  5. Castor in Bloom – Cllr. Jane Greene reported that the planters would be in place and planted up on 30th April
  • National “Beacon Lighting” event – The Clerk reported that the Beacon had been delivered and Cllr. William Baxter agreed to purchase the bottles of Gas.
  1. Standing Stones –

 Visibility and security – We noted that the work to clear the area around the Site should be carried out during April.


  1. Water Leak – Cllr. Baxter reported that the water leak by the Standing Stones was now extensive and that Anglian Water were now monitoring the situation.
  • Tree Removal – Cllr. William Baxter reported that Peterborough City Council were obtaining quotes to remove their tree which had fallen on to parish council land.

 Governance Matters

 S106 Monies – The Clerk reported receipt of a draft legal agreement from Peterborough City Council and had circulated copies to all councillors. We agreed that the terms in the legal agreement were acceptable to us and instructed the Clerk to sign the agreement on our behalf.

Proposed Cllr. William Baxter Seconded Cllr. Neil Boyce

  1. Village Hall Repairs – We noted that the Planning Application had been made by the trustees of the Village Hall. The Clerk reported on the requirements of VAT regulations and our inability to reclaim the VAT on any work done to the Village Hall. We noted the report and agreed that we would require details of the work to be carried out, evidence of quotations obtained and invoices for the work in order to provide financial assistance towards the cost of the work.

 Annual Parish Meeting – We agreed to hold the Annual Parish Meeting commencing at 7.15pm on 12th May,2022 prior to the Annual meeting of the Parish Council. The Annual meeting of the Parish Council to commence at 7.30 on that day, or such later time on the conclusion of the Annual Parish Meeting.

 Metro Bank notice Deposit account – Cllrs Steve Davies and Cllr. Richard Anker agreed to attend the Metro Bank and sign forms for the 95-day notice deposit account

 Annual Governance and Accountability Return – We had before us Section 1 of the annual return which had also been circulated to all parish councillors with the agenda. We considered each statement in turn and instructed the Clerk to tick Yes to all statements except statement 9 as not applicable to this parish council

Proposed Cllr. Neil Boyce Seconded Cllr. David Shaw

 official announcements & CORRESPONDENCE.

  1. Parish Council Liaison meeting. We noted that all councillors could attend on Zoom. The subject matter is to be parish councils powers to assist charities aiming to provide support to Ukrainian families displaced by the War in that country
  2. Peterborough Parish Councils Conference – to be held in Nene Park on 8th June with an environmental theme – all councillors are invited to attend this event and an invitation has been given to parish councils to showcase initiatives in their parish

 Future Agenda Items –

    1. Village Hall repairs and Funding
    2. Bulb Planting
    3. Litter Pick
  • Date of next meeting – Thursday 12th May, 2022.


  • There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm.

 Clerk & RFO 14th April, 2022