PRESENT: Cllr. Neil Boyce (Chairman), Cllr. Richrd Anker Cllr. William Baxter, Cllr. Steve Davies, Cllr. Gary Elliott, Cllr. Dennis Surgeon, Cllr. Terry Young and the Clerk John Haste. Three members of the public were also in attendance.
Minutes of Castor Parish Council Meeting
Held on Thursday 5th September 2024 at 7.15pm in the Cedar Centre
- APOLOGIES – Fiona Rowlands and Cllr. David Shaw both sent apologies prior to the meeting.
- MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on Thursday 11th July 2024 -. These were duly signed by the chairman.
Proposed Cllr. Steve Davies and seconded Cllr. William Baxter
- Matters arising from the previous minutes. – none.
- Public Forum –.
- In response to a question by John Hodder the Clerk confirmed that the proposed amendment to the Neighbourhood plan had still not been sent to the local planning authority.
- Cricket club – solar panels Grant – Cricket Club representative (Josh) asked for Landlord approval to installing solar panels. Agreed to consider on next agenda (although all those present did not anticipate any problems in giving landlord approval).
- A request was made to consider possibly granting a long lease of ferry fields to Nene Park Trust.
- A similar request to consider R21 (Potential lease from city council of the old A47 access road to Ferryfields).
- PLANNING and associated matters
- Peterborough Local Plan (LP)
- We were advised that in view of the change of government the LP is officially being delayed by 6 months. It is now expected that a further consultation on a draft plan and site allocations will be available in February / March 2025. Meanwhile the city council are allowing a further call for sites with possible consultation in November/ December.
- The briefing meeting for parish councils, scheduled for 11th September is still proceeding.
- Joint Community Action Plan (JCAP) – We noted the revised document and that it would be considered again at the Joint meeting with Ailsworth Parish Councillors (JPLG) on 19th
- Castor Neighbourhood Planning (CNP) – Shaw had circulated the draft minor change to the existing CNP and this received unanimous approval for submission to the City Council and we noted that this will need to go to an inspector for examination but the amendment would not warrant a referendum of parish residents.
- Status report – The clerk had circulated with the agenda an up-to-date record of Planning applications. The Clerk provided a brief summary of the changes since the previous parish council meeting. The report was formally noted.
- Planning applications –
- 24/00751/FUL – Stamford Lodge, Milton Park – Demolition and erection of replacement dwelling and installation of gates. We are of the opinion that these works will be an improvement on the current position and fully support the application
- 24/01034/LBC – 5 Clay Lane – Proposal to lift existing floor and replace with LVT Amtico wood floor. – we have no objections.
- 24/01058/CTR – 4 The Green – 1 – Hazel (red) – Fell. We noted that there is no justification provided in the application for these works, but have no material objections and will support the tree officers’ observations.
- 24/01062/HHFUL – 1 Silvester Road – Existing dwelling with externally applied wall insulation with render finish similar to existing building. We strongly object to these proposed works which will result in deeply recessed windows and will be out of keeping with the street scene. We asked the Clerk to seek reference to the P & E P Committee if officers are minded to permit the application.
- 24/01085/CTR – 5 Church Hill – 1 – Willow (red) – Crown raise to 4m, T.2 – Silver birch (blue) – Fell We feel unable to comment as there is no information available on the planning portal. No Diagram and no explanation of Red T1 or T2 Blue.
- Woodlands – Standing Item – No further information available to this meeting.
- Thorolds Paddock – We noted that the parish council had retaken possession and that the grass had been cut. We agreed that the site should be advertised on the Facebook page and Village Magazine inviting sealed bids for a tenancy (possibly for a 5 year).
- Allotments – The Clerk reported that one plot remains vacant after an interested party withdrew their interest. Cllr. Terry Young and Mrs Young expressed an interest in the plot and we RESOLVED to let the plot with immediate effect (chargeable from 1st October 2024) to Mrs Ursula Young.
Proposed Cllr. Neil Boyce Seconded Cllr Gary Elliott
- Councillor observations on parish council owned land –
- Children’s playground gate – We asked the Clerk to seek a quotation from A1 fencing to replace the gate with one similar to the wooden access gate to the raised beds in the community allotment area.
- HIGHWAYS & Public Rights of Way
Councillors Observations –
- Allotment lane retractable post – we agreed that this needs to be replaced with something that works properly and does not get jammed. We asked the clerk to write to the Head of Highways asking for ideas and possibly a meeting on site.
- Allotment lane – Orphaned Wall – is again in need of repair – we agreed that this should also be referred to the Head of Highways pointing out that this was last repaired by the city council by a contractor appointed / approved by Sam Falco.
- Allotment Lane – Hedge & overhanging trees – WE asked the Clerk to seek competitive quotes, including one from Ben Emery, to again carry out this work.
- Community Matters:
- Climate Change Group report –
- Climate Change policy – We noted that the revised policy is available to view to Parish council website.
- Antisocial Behaviour
- Graffiti – We thanked Cllrs Richard Anker and William Baxter for their sterling work in removing graffiti from Allotment Lane; the bus shelter and Stocks Hill.
- Bus Shelter – camera request by Cllr. Baxter – We noted the advice on the use of cameras and RESOLVED to consider all methods available and approved the covert security measures discussed.
Proposed Cllr. Neil Boyce Seconded Cllr William Baxter
- Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) –
- We RESOLVED to agree the Terms of reference for JPLG
Proposed Cllr. Neil Boyce Seconded Cllr William Baxter
- We agreed the draft agenda as published for the meeting to be held in the chapter room of the Cedar Centre on 19th September 2024.
- Langdyke Trust Nature Recovery Project – In the absence of Cllr Fiona Rowlands this item is deferred to the October meeting.
- Gold ring – We RESOLVED to approve the revised wording of the proposed agreement with Mr Cooper.
Proposed Cllr. Neil Boyce Seconded Cllr Gary Elliott
- Scout Troup – Loss of access to primary School Ground – We agreed to support the scout group in their endeavours to find suitable accommodation for their meetings and ancillary requirements.
- Governance Matters: –
- Assets of Community Value (AoCV) – in the absence of Cllr Shaw this matter is deferred to the October meeting.
- CAPALC conference –
- We noted that Cllr Rowlands has submitted the parish council Nature recovery projects for a CAPALC award.
- We RESOLVED to approve the attendance of the Clerk and Cllr Fiona Rowlands at fees of £75 each (affiliated member rate).
Proposed Cllr. Terry Young Seconded Cllr William Baxter
- To receive official announcements
- NPPF consultation – we agreed to delegate the parish council response to Cllr David Shaw in conjunction with Chairman and the Clerk.
- VE day Celebrations – we agreed to register the Beacon lighting.
- Future agenda items –
- Assets of Community Value – other site(s)
- Cricket Club – approval of Solar Panels on Clubhouse/Pavilion roof
- Ferryfields – possibility of long lease to Nene Park Trust
- R21 Lease
- To consider quote(s) received to replace gate to children’s play area
- Allotment lane hedge and trees quotes
- School Fence
- Parking – School run
- Bus Shelter repainting / Maintenance
- High Street / Homes England – Cllr Baxter to report
- Date of Next meeting– as the K900 operetta clashed with the scheduled date of 3rd October we agreed to re-schedule our meeting to now take place on 10th October 2024.
POST MEETING NOTE – The next meeting of Castor Parish council has been re-arranged to 7.15pm on Monday 14th October – This is to allow for a briefing of parish councils on 10th October in the Town Hall on the review of the Local Plan. That review meeting will be attended by the Chairman, Clerk & Cllr David Shaw.
Meeting Closed at 9.35pm
Clerk & RFO 16th September, 2024