
Minutes 5th December 2024

Minutes Uploaded on January 1, 2025

PRESENT: Cllr. Neil Boyce (Chairman), Cllr. Richard Anker, Cllr. Gary Elliott, Cllr. David Shaw, Cllr. Fiona Rowlands, Cllr. Terry Young and the Clerk John Haste. Three members of the public were also in attendance.

Minutes of Castor Parish Council Meeting
Held on Monday 5th December 2024 at 7.15pm in the Cedar Centre

1009 APOLOGIES –Cllrs. Steve Davies, Cllr. William Baxter sent apologies prior to the meeting


1011 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on Tuesday 7th November 2024 -. These were duly signed by the chairman.
Proposed Cllr. Fiona Rowlands and seconded Cllr. David Shaw.


1013 PUBLIC FORUM – A resident requested details of ownership of a parcel of land as they wished to contact the owner to determine the possible future use of the site.


a) Peterborough Local Plan (LP) – Cllr David Shaw reported that there was no change from that previously reported and minuted

b) Joint Community Action Plan (JCAP) – We noted that this is to be reviewed at the next meeting of JPLG scheduled for 16th January 2025

c) Castor Neighbourhood Planning (CNP) – Cllr. Shaw reported that he and John Hodder had met with Maria Cafano and awaited further comments from her. Parish council preference would be to have our proposed rewording to be approved

d) Status report – The clerk had circulated with the agenda an up-to-date record of Planning applications. The report recorded that since the previous parish council meeting, the following had been permitted – two tree works; an extension at 6 Splash Lane and the application of external insulation at 1 Sylvester Road.

e) Planning applications –

i 24/01459/CTR 4 Polls Yard – Fell and remove Italian Cypress trees – we have no objections to make to this application.

ii 24/01479/HHFUL – Millane House Mill Lane – removal of existing conservatory and replacement with orangery. we have no objections to make to this application. we have no objections to make to this application.

iii 24/01544/CTR – 12 Peterborough Road – Horse Chestnut, Pollard to approximately 15ft. we have no objections to make to this application.

iv 24/01537/CTR – The Olde Stables, Splash Lane – (T1) Sycamore – reduce by 6 metres (i.e. pollarding it down to the height of the hedge). (T2) Beech – five small trees in a line along the hedge (I suspect they are overgrown hedge plants), reduce by 3 metres we have no objections to make to this application.

f) Woodlands – Standing Item – Cllr Shaw reported that there was no change from that previously reported in respect of the Nene Park Trust application; nor those of the proposed care Home or Tennis Club proposals.

g) Other Planning Applications – 24/01440/FUL Land to the South of Old Peterborough Road, Sutton – Change of use of land to cemetery including ceremony building, maintenance building, car parking and soft landscaping. – We were reminded of our policy, of not ordinarily commenting on applications outside of the parish boundary, but in this case consider that the application had serious implications for Castor given the potential for increased traffic through the village. We consider the application to be seriously flawed and ignores approval already given for a new burial ground in Haddon, to be provided under a Section 106 agreement. We instructed the Clerk in conjunction with Cllr. Shaw, to submit our objection to the planning authority.


i. Thorolds Paddock – We noted the interest expressed by Mr Thomas Matthew Parker a resident of Ailsworth who was present at our meeting. We invited Mr Parker to firm up the details of his plans and submit a written proposal to the Clerk for consideration at the January or February meeting of the parish council.
Cllr. Anker had obtained a costing (£1700) to fence off a portion adjacent to Peterborough Road with the intention of providing a seating area. We agreed to seek costings for the bench and to give the proposal further considerations at our next meeting.

ii. Allotments – The Clerk reported that further payments had been received

iii. Ferryfields access road (R21) – We asked the Clerk to submit a formal written offer to Adrian Chapman at the city council.

iv. Councillor observations on parish council owned land – We were made aware of work being carried out by our tenant, PECT, on a footpath in Tweentowns. Cllr. Fiona Rowlands agreed to liaise with the tenant to stop further work and to consider the matter at the January meeting.


Councillors Observations –

a. Allotment lane retractable post – the Chairman reported that Martin Brooker, a city council officer, had confirmed that this work would be completed before Christmas

b. Allotment lane – Orphaned Wall – No change from the previous report

c. Cow Lane fallen Tree and rotted Bye way Sign – These matters have been reported to the Public Rights of Way officer at the city council

d. Councillor Observations –No further matters were raised by those present.


a) Antisocial Behaviour
i. Graffiti – The chairman reported on an unproductive meeting with the Police and Crimes Commissioner and a further meeting with the local community policing team at which an increased police visibility had been agreed.

b) Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) – John Hodder had circulated a draft agenda for the planned meeting on 16th January 2025. We agreed to give further consideration to that draft at our meeting on 9th January.

c) Langdyke Trust Nature Recovery Project (NRP) –
i. We noted that future expansion of the NRP would depend on further grant receipts and agreed that Cllr Fiona Rowlands together with the chairman are to meet with Mike Horne to discuss his future plans.

ii. Cllr. Boyce (as Ward councillor) reported that the £1000 from the Community Leadership Fund towards the cost of creating a pond had been approved ahead of the moratorium and should therefore be paid to the parish council. The Clerk confirmed that to date the CLF money had not been received.

d) Memorial Tree request – We had informed the family that there was no suitable parish council owned land and referred them to St Kyneburgha church



a) Resignation of Cllr. Dennis Surgeon – We noted with regret the resignation of Dennis who is moving from the village. We thanked Dennis for his valued contribution to the parish council and wished him and his wife all the very best for their move and future in Peakirk

b) Budget Preparation – The Clerk provided a budgetary control report and projected outturn for the current year. We considered the draft budget circulated with the agenda. Cllr young expressed his opposition to the inclusion of £1000 for Climate Change initiatives and requested a recorded vote on the matter. On the motion to retain the climate change provision in the budget for 2025/26, Cllrs Anker, Boyce, Elliott & Rowlands voted in favour and Cllrs Shaw & Young voted against. We made a minor change to the draft budget to increase the budget for the neighbourhood plan review and RESOLVED to approve a budget of anticipated receipts £37787, including £30587 from precept, budgeted payments of £55115 & utilising £17328 from our general reserve. The precept requires a council tax charge of £85 at band D.
Proposed Cllr. Neil Boyce seconded Cllr. Richard Anker

1019 TO RECEIVE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS, CORRESPONDENCE OR REPORTS – None not covered elsewhere on the agenda

A) Cllr. Gary Elliott asked that in the January meeting we consider his appointment as the parish council representative on the events committee and being a joint bank signatory to the committee’s bank account

B) Date of Next meeting– scheduled for 9h January 2025 at 7.15pm in the Cedar Centre.

Meeting Closed at 9.50pm