
Minutes 11th July 2024

Minutes Uploaded on August 25, 2024

Minutes of Castor Parish Council Meeting

Held on Thursday 11th July 2024 at 7.15pm in the Cedar Centre

PRESENT: Cllr. Neil Boyce (Chairman), Cllr. William Baxter, Cllr. Steve Davies, Cllr. Fiona Rowlands, Cllr. David Shaw, Cllr. Dennis Surgeon, Cllr. Terry Young and the Clerk John Haste. Five members of the public including three from PECT were also in attendance.


  • APOLOGIES – Richard Anker and Cllr. Gary Elliott both sent apologies prior to the meeting.




  • MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on Thursday 13th June 2024 -. These were duly signed by the chairman.

Proposed Cllr.  Fiona Rowlands and seconded Cllr. David Shaw


  • Matters arising from the previous minutes. –


  • Public ForumNo Matters were raised, other than three representatives of Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) were present to sign the lease of Tweentowns. The Lease was duly signed by Penny Hanson and Gemma Wright (Board members of PECT) and by The Chairman and the Clerk on behalf of this parish council.


  • PLANNING and associated matters


  1. Peterborough Local Plan (LP) – Shaw reported that
    1. there was a possibility that the draft LP would go to for scrutiny to a cabinet meeting in September before going out for a further round of consultation.
    2. Wansford Parish council are seeking a joint meeting of the parish councils to the West of Peterborough as neighbouring parishes could be affected by revised LPs of Peterborough and two other county areas all being progressed on a similar timescale.
  • Cllr Shaw will be attending a meeting of the John Clare countryside project to discuss protection of the countryside from development in the LP.
  1. As a result of the general election there is likely to be more pressure for housebuilding with Mayors being given more powers as well.


  1. Joint Community Action Plan (JCAP) – We approved the draft revised version of the JCAP arising from the joint meeting with Ailsworth held on 20th Actions arising from the JCAP include a Litter Pick to be arranged for a date in September. Chairman to confirm the date.


  1. Castor Neighbourhood Planning (CNP) – Shaw had circulated the draft minor change to the existing CNP and this received unanimous approval for submission to the City Council and we noted that this will need to go to an inspector for examination but the amendment would not warrant a referendum of parish residents.


  1. Status report – The clerk had circulated with the agenda an up-to-date record of Planning applications. We noted the content of the report and in particular noted that the proposed fencing at the primary school had been permitted by Planning Committee despite the representation by Cllr. David Shaw on our behalf. Planning application for 6a Peterborough Road had also been permitted since our previous meeting.


  1. Planning applications
    1. 24/00815/LBC and 24/00829/FUL – The Fitzwilliam Arms Peterborough Road – Various external works including detached outbuilding, enclosed veranda, pergola, fencing, raised planting beds, greenhouse and footpaths, additionally mechanical installations, flues, ducts and appliances – (retrospective). We have no Objections to make to this application.


  1. 24/00836/CTR– 9 Church Hill – (T1) Prunus reduce crown by 2.5m (approx. 40% of crown) also remove lowest limb towards neighbouring property and (T2) Remove dead hawthorn – No objections to the proposed work


  • 23/00867/CTR. – The Cedars, 32 Peterborough Road – A- 1 x Sycamore Tree- remove deadwood
    B- 1 x Chestnut Tree- cut back low limbs overhanging driveway by 3 metres.
    C- 1 x Sycamore Tree- lightly reduce on house side and on top by 2 metres.
    D- 2 x False Acacia Trees- remove dead tops.
    E- 1 x False Acacia Tree- remove low dead limb hanging over neighbour’s property.
    F- 1 x Sycamore Tree- cut back the side hanging over the house by 2 metres.
    G- 1 x Holly Tree- reduce top by 1.5 metres.
    H- 1 x Plum Tree- reduce by 1.5 metres.
    I – 1 x Chestnut Tree- remove deadwood.
    J- 1 x Cotoneaster Tree- fell.
    K- 1 x Plum Tree- cut back by 1 metre to get it off the gravestones.
    L- 1 x False Acacia Tree- leaning towards the house, Fell. – We have no Material observations to make on these proposed works and will support the tree officer’s decisions.


  1. 24/00904/CTR – 12 High Street – (T1) Magnolia reduce and reshape crown by approximately 1m, T2 Apple reduce and reshape upper crown by approximately 2m and lateral crown spread by 1/2M. No Comments to make


  1. Woodlands – Standing Item – Shaw reported that the planning application by Nene Park Trust is still undecided. There are objections Sports England and Highways. It is understood that Country Court Care intended to make a further planning application in the next few weeks possibly for a revised number of 46 assisted living places and 60 Bedrooms. Once received we will organise a public meeting, possibly for early September and if necessary, authorise the Clerk to seek an extension for consultation to the 2nd week of September. We also noted that there was no apparent movement on a planning application for the Tennis Club and confirmed our wish to see a comprehensive Master Plan for the whole Woodlands site.




  1. Tweentowns – The lease was signed as reported in minute 966 above.


  1. Thorolds Paddock – the Clerk had previously reported that formal notice had been issued to Mr Nelson and that the requisite three months’ notice will end on 16th August. We RESOLVED to check on 16th August and if not mown to authorise an immediate cut by Stewart Wood.

Proposed Cllr. Neil Boyce and Seconded Cllr. Terry Young


  • Allotments – The Clerk reported that despite advertisements there were no takers for the two vacant allotments.

(post meeting note two applications were received by email after the parish council meeting -both allotments have been offered to the two applicants)


  1. Old Allotments – We received a request from the daughter of the late Tony Wood to be permitted to take on the lease for this land in Splash Lane and we unanimously agreed to that request.


  1. Councillor observations on parish council owned land –


  • Sewage flooding of Standing Stones – The chairman reported that in seeking compensation from Anglian Water the response had been that we need to go through AWA insurers. Cllr. Boyce undertook to complete the claim form for the Clerk to submit.
  • Baxter reported the continued running water at Ferryfield



  • HIGHWAYS & Public Rights of Way


Councillors Observations –


  1. Triangle at the Junction of Mill Lane /Lovers Hill – Deadwood which needs clearing
  2. Peterborough Road/ Thorolds Way Junction–  Loose cobble hazardous to motorist



  • Community Matters:


  1. Climate Change Group report
    1. Climate Change policy – We RESOLVED to agree minor revisions to the policy. Cllr. Shaw undertook to provide electronic copies to the Clerk for inclusion on the website

Proposed Cllr. David Shaw Seconded Cllr. Terry Young


  1. “The Great Collaboration” – We considered there would be no benefit to Castor by our participation and the matter can be removed from the agenda for any further consideration.


  1. Anti-social behaviour – At the time of our meeting there were no fresh occurrences of graffiti. Cllr Baxter reported that we would need to order three or more panes of polycarbonate sheets for the notice board in the bus shelter.


  1. Police Surgery – We noted the proposal to abandon Parish based Surgeries & move to Ward based surgeries, the next surgery being in Marholm in October.


  1. Deployable CCTV – The Chairman reported discussions with Clare George at Peterborough City Council and that while there were cameras available to tackle fly tipping but they would not be available for tackling graffiti.


  1. Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) – We agreed the Notes of the meeting held in the Cedar Centre on 20 June and noted that the Chapter room had been booked for the next meeting.


  1. Langdyke Trust Nature Recovery Project


  1. Cllr. Rowlands reported that although we had approved a budget of £500 to cut the grass at the Splash Lane Paddock that had not yet happened.


  1. We considered a request for a budget of £614.05 to establish a pond in the Paddock. The Clerk reported that we had spent the allocation of Section 106 monies for the Splash Lane Project but that money could be transferred from another of the S106 projects which had been completed within the agreed allocation. We RESOLVED to agree the transfer of funds between projects to fund the grass cut and this pond.

Proposed Cllr. Fiona Rowlands Seconded Cllr. David Shaw

  1. Standing Stones –
    1. Information board – we noted that this has been installed and thanked Cllr Baxter for his efforts in bringing this matter to a conclusion.


  1. To receive an update on soil pollution and reseeding – see minute 968 (v)(i) above



  • Governance Matters


  1. Assets of Community Value – The Clerk reported confirmation of receipt of the form for the Royal Oak Public House which would now be considered by officers at Peterborough City Council.


  1. Financial Reports


  1. Budgetary Control report – We RESOLVED to note, and accept, the report showing receipts and payments to 30th June against our Budget forecasts

Proposed Cllr. Steve Davies Seconded Cllr. Terry Young

  1. Quarterly Summary Report – We RESOLVED to note and accept the report circulated by the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer showing the total receipts and Payments for the 1st Quarter and the changes in all reserves carried forward; reconciled to all three bank accounts as at 30th June and totalling £96,553.92.

Proposed Cllr. David Shaw Seconded Cllr. Terry Young


  • To receive official announcements
    1. VE day Celebrations – we will defer consideration pending decisions by the events organisation team
    2. Beacon Lighting – We unanimously agreed to authorise Cllr Baxter to obtain a gas refill for the occasion.
  • K900 report – Cllr Baxter reported that the event went very well and was extremely well supported.
  1. Village Shop – Cllr Shaw reported a meeting to be held with Milton Estates – to be reported to a future meeting.
  2. Primary School use by Scouts – Cllr. Shaw reported that the scouts were looking for premises for their activities as they have now been excluded from the school as part of a review of the Site Security Guidance issued by HM Government.



  • Future agenda items –
    • Assets of Community Value – other site(s)


  • Date of Next meeting– scheduled to take place on 5th September 2024


Meeting Closed at 9.25pm


Clerk & RFO 19th July, 2024