
JPLG Summary 20th June 2024

Supporting Papers Uploaded on July 2, 2024
      Revised DRAFT



JPLG MEETING 20 June 2024 at 7.30 pm





Anne Perkins

Joan Pickett

Richard Moon

Martin Stalley



Neil Boyce

Fi Rowlands

David Shaw

Terry Young



Dai Rowlands (Chair)

John Hodder

Sue Nash (for item 2)


  1. Apologies for absence

Steve Davies (CPC) and Megan Ellershaw (APC).

  1. Climate Change

2.1 Sue Nash gave an update on behalf of the Climate Action Group (CAG).  The St Kyneburgha celebration event on 6 July would provide an opportunity to consult with the community regarding Climate Change.  CAGS were awaiting information on Carbon Literacy and also seeking links with other local groups.  The Saxon Sports event will focus on active travel – walking, cycling and, given the start of the new bus service, the use of public transport.  CAG were gathering maps etc. from the active travel group at PCC.  They would also be seeking views from those who used electric/hybrid cars and were seeking advice on electric bicycles.

2.2 The PC Policies on Climate Change were discussed and David Shaw had produced a draft revision of the CPC Policy, which no longer referred to a Climate Emergency.  It had not yet been put to CPC for their formal approval.  The text was said to be otherwise largely as before and still had the intent of working to mitigate climate change.  However, concerns were aired about the text and in particular that the draft had not been made available before the meeting for it to be fully discussed.  It was acknowledged that CAG should be given the opportunity to make comments before a decision is made by CPC.  APC’s policy on Climate Change remained unchanged there having been no motion put forward to alter it.

Action: CPC – It was proposed that CPC discuss the proposed revised draft and allow CAG to comment before a decision is made on the draft.  If they deem it necessary CPC should also consider whether a public meeting was required before a change of policy was agreed.


  1. Declarations of interest

None declared.

  1. Action Points from previous meeting 29 February 2024

The action points had been attended to. 

  1. Ongoing review of JCAP actions (see also item 10 re-JCAP 4.5)

JCAP 1.3 and 4.3 Woodlands – no change; see item 6 below.


JCAP 1.4 Housing Trust – This would remain on hold pending final developments at Woodlands.


JCAP 1.5 Climate Change – The PCs were reviewing their policies and CAG would comment as necessary.


JCAP 2.1 Preservation etc. of historical features – Neil referred to some limited funds being available from PCC to assist this and the need for PCs to make bids accordingly.


JCAP 2.2 St Kyneburgha – A series of events were arranged to mark the 900th anniversary of the dedication of St Kyneburgha church.


JCAP 2.3 – Nature Recovery – see item 8.


JCAP 3.2 Pre-school – no change; see item 11 below.


JCAP 3.4 Shop – see item 7.


JCAP 3.5 Good Neighbours – The scheme was very well used and Helpston had been added to the parishes involved.


JCAP 4.3 Woodlands – see JCAP 1.3.

JCAP 4.5 Litter Picking – see item 10.

  1. Neighbourhood Plans

6.1 Woodlands

The NPT planning proposal had not yet been approved and CPC had submitted comments.  The latest proposals had removed the MUGA and tennis courts.  Proposals regarding the tennis courts were still awaited from the Tennis Club.  David Shaw will enquire whether County Court Care had anything further to say regarding its plan to convert the former sports building to eldercare flats.

Action: David Shaw

6.2 Peterborough Local Plan

PRP were preparing a presentation to go to all PCC political groups and would seek to demonstrate that Peterborough did not need as many houses built as seemed likely to be proposed.  Peterborough was recorded as being the second fastest growing city in the last 100 years but was shown as fifth from bottom in terms of family income over the same period.  It was understood that PCC would consider the Local Plan in September and then put it out for consultation.  There could, of course, be central government changes to planning arrangements following the General Election.


6.3 The two NP Reviews continued to be taken forward in tandem and CPC had conducted the necessary consultation with land owners at Woodlands regarding its proposed policy revision.  David Shaw had updated the two draft reviews to reflect comments received from PCC following the meeting with them and the CPC consultation.  The drafts also mention the re-introduction of a bus service through the villages.  The final draft reviews had just been circulated for each PC to consider and formally agree at their public PC meetings, hopefully in July.  Once that had been done it was suggested that the two Clerks should liaise to co-ordinate their submission to PCC.

Action: Both APC and CPC. 

  1. Village Shop

There had been a recent application to revise the planning proposal and this had been approved.  Discussions with the owner were ongoing to seek progress towards rebuilding.

  1. Nature Recovery

Attendance at a recent NPT event showed that both Ailsworth and Castor appeared to be ahead of the game with their nature recovery activity compared with other local parishes.  The persistent rain of late had hampered things.  The NPT continued to be very helpful and Mike Horne remained a committed participant.  CPC had recently held an open day at the Coppice and were seeking grants to acquire equipment.  Both PCs had made arrangements with PECT for a tree nursery and Owl boxes were planned.  APC were reviewing best use of their 16 acre field.  They had also left hedges untrimmed and were reviewing the best way to trim them in future.  There had been some vandalism at the Ailsworth rainwater harvester.

  1. Village Bus Service

A new bus service through Castor and Ailsworth had commenced in June, from Peterborough to Stamford and return.  Many thanks to all who had been involved in the campaign.  However, concerns had been expressed by a resident about the siting of the bus stop at the Western end of Ailsworth given the proximity to the bend and junction.  APC would keep this under review and consider raising it with the bus company.  The campaign group had been made aware 

  1. Litter Picking – “monthly Wombles Group”

It was recorded at the last joint meeting that thought would be given to re-starting litter picks and attention had been drawn to the volunteer litter picks done by “the monthly Wombles Group” along the by-pass at the APC Annual Public Meeting.  It was known that the Scouts undertook occasional litter picks and understood that the school had similar plans.  Anne Perkins agreed to liaise with the Scouts regarding any plans they might have for a litter pick, and to thank them.  The PCs would organize a litter pick in September.

Action: Anne Perkins and both PCs. 

  1. Pre-school

The Pre-school was apparently restricted to four and a half days a week as Thursday afternoons were regularly used by the Evergreens.  It was felt that this was a matter for the Village Hall Committee to consider rather than the PCs. 

  1. PC Engagement with Village Groups

APC had encouraged village groups to attend their annual parish meeting to provide an update on their activities.  CPC have nominated PC members to act as liaison with the school.  APC will liaise with the Scouts as mentioned in item 10 above.


  1. Any other business?

13.1 Neil mentioned that CPC were acquiring CCTV to monitor anti-social behaviour, vandalism and fly tipping.  There were Data Protection and GDPR considerations to bear in mind.  However, if PCs wished to buy CCTV to monitor fly tipping PCC would take on the management of it.

Action: PCs to consider.

13.2 There had been various potential buyers for the Ailsworth Chapel, one being for its use as a prayer room.  That of itself would not call for change of use from a planning perspective.  However, if there was an associated intention to create a car park nearby that would need appropriate planning approval.

13.3 The proposal to erect a fence around the school playing field was to go to the Planning Committee and David Shaw would attend on behalf of CPC

Action: David Shaw.

  1. Date of next meeting

Thursday 19 September at 7.30 pm, subject to the Cedar Centre being available.