

BudgetSupporting Papers Uploaded on November 30, 2024
Budgetary control Reportb 2024/25 and xdraft Budget 2025/26
Serial Outturn 2023/24 Budget 23/24 Actual Approved Budget 24/25 Actual to 31st October Estimated outturn Variance Draft Budget 25/26
2 VAT Receipts 0 0 3000 0 9000 6000.00 2200
3 Precept 29318 29318        29,484.00 29484 29484 0.00 30587
4 Bank Interest 150 2448 1200 1204 1850 650.00 1000
5 Grant Income 0 2987 0 0 1000 1000.00 0
6 Burial Grant 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 0.00 2250
7 S.106 / CIL Monies 40 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
8 Recreation Grant 720 720 720 720 720 0.00 800
9 Land Rents 1000 600 1000 175 600 -400.00 600
10 Allotment Rent 250 263 250 213 250 0.00 250
11 other income 0 29177 0 1629 1730 1730.00 100
12 Total Income 33428 67463 37604 35375 46584 8980.00 37787
15 VAT on Payments 0 7756 3000 1717 2200 800.00 2200
16 Salary 14000 11359 14000 7360 12760 1240.00 14000
17 Pension 250 0 400 0 0 400.00 400
18 Clerk Expenses 460 482 460 292 550 -90.00 550
19 Office Expenses – Stationery 350 526 750 166 320 430.00 380
20 Software & it materials 0 726 0 252 252 -252.00 252
21 Room Hire 360 412 380 113 365 15.00 400
22 Equipment Purchased 500 0 300 0 300.00 600
23 ICO Registration 50 0 55 0 55 0.00 55
24 Website Fee 380 391 500 500 500 0.00 500
25 Audit Fees 480 620 550 515 515 35.00 515
26 Bank Changes 100 54 100 41 78 22.00 78
27 Insurance 850 891 900 970 970 -70.00 990
28 Grants 5000 1360 5000 1000 1000 4000.00 5000
29 Subscription & Membership 950 369 610 487 600 10.00 600
30 Landscape Management (delete) 0 2550 0 0 0.00 0
31 Chairmans Allowance 100 97 100 0 100 0.00 100
32 Training 300 75 300 75 225 75.00 225
33 Christmas Tree 300 250 325 0 275 50.00 300
34 Speed Sign 300 0 300 0 0 300.00 0
35 Computer Equipment (New Laptop 25/26) 900 0 200 0 120 80.00 880
36 Neighbourhood Planning 300 0 150 0 120 30.00 120
37 Miscellaneous 450 863 450 195 320 130.00 320
38 Devolved Services 800 0 800 0 0 800.00 0
39 Climate Change 2000 0 2000 0 2000.00 1000
40 Langdyke Trust & Nature R P 1500 21766 1500 2919 3250 -1750.00 3600
41 Golden Orb / Events VE Day 80 2000 96 100 0 0 100.00 1500
42 Castor in Bloom 1000 1235 1300 480 1020 280.00 1020
43 Defibrillators 0 275 0 540 540 -540.00 120
44 Tree Survey & Works 500 0 3600 0 220 3380.00 1800
45 Standing Stones 450 0 500 1577 1800 -1300.00 1800
46 Burial Ground Miantenance 2600 0 2600 3459 5703 -3103.00 3000
47 Play Area Maintenance 720 4287 700 662 700 0.00 700
48 Play equipment 240 25150 240 0 50 190.00 50
49 Litter Picking 200 0 400 0 120 280.00 120
50 Fete Equipment 100 0 100 0 0 100.00 100
51 other costs (Chairmans Bench 25/26) 300 170 1300 51 260 1040.00 750
52 Property Costs 6200 0 6300 2877 3350 2950.00 3350
53 Land Management 9200 630 5000 2300 4900 100.00 4900
54 refurbish bus shelter 0 0 0 259 400 -400.00 600
55 Allotment Expenses 420 704 450 773 850 -400.00 850
56 Community Allotment expenses 600 160 600 230 300 300.00 300
57 55210 83254 56320 29810 44788 11532.00 54025
58 (From) / To Reserves -21782.00 -15791.00 -18716.00 5565.00 1796.00 20512.00 -16237.75
63 precept      29,317.95        29,484.00 30587.25
65 £1 at Band D       raises            361.95              364.00 359.85
66 Change these precept levels –  to see effect              81.00                81.00 85.00
68 29317.95 29484