(Click on underlined hyperlinks to view background papers)
- Note attendance and receive apologies for absence.
- declarations of interest on items on this agenda and approve dispensations to members.
- Minutes of the previous meeting – To Consider a resolution to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2nd December, 2020.
- Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings (if Any) (Information Only).
- PUBLIC FORUM – Opportunity for public questions or presentations to the council –
- Public participation is limited to items that appear on the agenda OR to request an item for a future agenda.
- unless directed by the chairman, public participation shall be limited to 15 minutes with each person speaking for no longer than 5 minutes.
Parish council meetings are not public meetings they are meetings held in public
- PLANNING and associated matters:
- Joint community Action Plan (standing item) – To consider if any actions are required from the current JCAP
To consider if any further action is required by, or related to the review of, the present NP.
- Status report – update on planning applications previously considered this financial year.
- Planning Applications – to consider, as statutory consultees, planning applications received since the previous meeting. (Councillors should acquaint themselves with the details of each application prior to the meeting – click on blue underlined hyperlink to view).
- 21/01874/DISCHG – Woodlands, Splash Lane – Re- Discharge of condition No. 2 (Fire hydrant provision and approval), 4 (Sustainable drainage), 6 (Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement for Bird Nest Box), 7 (Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement for Hedgehog Boxes), 8 (Lighting Scheme), 11 (Landscaping Scheme), 15 (Occupation of development) and 17 (bicycle parking) of planning permission Ref: 21/00882/WCPP
- Woodlands Development –
- Update on matters related to the development – Cllr David
- Woodlands Development –
- Land and Allotments
- Tweentowns fencing. To receive an update on progress.
- Tree Safety – to review the status of the Ash Tree and removal of felled partial trunk to the Coppice.
- Public Rights of Way – existing and extensions – Chairman to report.
- Observations from Councillors (if any).
- Observations from Councillors (if any).
- Community Matters:
- Joint Parish Liaison Group (JPLG) – To consider any outstanding actions from the previous meeting and any changes/ additions to the agenda for 13th January
- Langdyke Trust Wildlife Recovery Project – update on progress – Vice Chairman to report progress on the Nature.
- Castor in Bloom – To consider the purchase, planting and maintenance of Floral displays in Castor
- Queens Platinum Jubilee Committee requests for the parish council consideration :–
- Commemorative Tree on Village Green
- Beacon lighting – link to official guide
- Other activities – Mrs Greene to report
- Governance Matters:
- S106 Monies – to consider any further action to ensure funds are committed in the financial year.
- Covid support group funding – to receive confirmation of the transfer of surplus Castor grant to the Good Neighbours scheme.
- Finance
- Receipts and payments for the year to date, together with bank reconciliation
- Budgetary Control report with projected out turn for the current financial year
- Draft Budget & precept requirements for 2022/23 and outline budget for subsequent years..
- To receive official announcements, correspondence of note, notices, or reports from chairman, clerk, councillors.
- Future agenda items –
- Speedwatch – awaiting developments and training of volunteer group.
- Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 3rd February 2022